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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Range of genome sizes of dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates 1.5 coral symbiont Symbiodinium: to 185 Lingulodinium polyedrum Gb 107517 Wisecaver JH, Hackett...
Swimming rate of Gyrodinium spp. Dinoflagellates 319 (220 - 360) µm/sec 111432 William G. Hand, Patricia...
Swimming rate of Gonyaulax spp. Dinoflagellates 250 (175 - 325) µm/sec 111433 William G. Hand, Patricia...
Divergence of dinoflagellates and apicomplexans Eukaryotes 800 to 900 Mya 107516 Wisecaver JH, Hackett...
Number of chromosomes/cell Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 17 (Table - link) Chromosomes/cell 100333 Merchant et al., The...
Number of chromosomes Chinese hamster 22 unitless 103223 Jayapal K. P., Wlaschin K. F....
Compaction of circular chromosome Bacteria Escherichia coli >1,000 Fold 109248 Wang X, Possoz C, Sherratt...
Number of chromosomes Bread mold Neurospora crassa 7 chromosomes 111376 National Institutes of Health...
Number of copies of the chromosome Cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 6.5 copies/cell 100515 Bird AJ, Turner-Cavet JS...
Number of chromosomes Frog Xenopus tropicalis 10 Unitless 100284 Hellsten et al, The genome...
Number of chromosomes dog 40 chromosomes 111393 Kirkness EF et al., The...
Nuclear volumes, DNA content per cell, interphase chromosome volumes, and DNA content per chromosome of 30 species of higher plants Plants Table - link N/A 107800 Baetcke KP, Sparrow AH...
Cell volume & DNA concentration Bacteria Spiroplasma melliferum cell volume 0.02µm^3: DNA concentration 0.052g/mL cell volume N/A 111877 R.T. Dame and C.J. Dorman...
Number of chromosomes Pufferfish Fugu rubripes 22 chromosomes 111392 Kai W et al., Integration...
Initiation of sex chromosome evolution Birds >130 Ma (million years ago) 112865 Yazdi HP, Ellegren H....
Number of chromosomes Sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus 42 chromosomes 111373 Eno CC, Böttger SA, Walker...
Increase in nuclear DNA amount that did not affect nuclear size Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe 16 fold 114005 Vuković LD, Jevtić P...
Speed of high mobility chromosome regions Eukaryotes 0.1 - 0.5 µm/sec 114006 Vuković LD, Jevtić P...
Number of nuclei in hepatocytes & number of copies of each chromosome in each nuclei (see 'comments' for frequency of each ploidy) Unspecified nuclei per cell 1 or 2: copies of each chromosome in each nucleus 2, 4, 8 or 16 N/A 112170 Bahar Halpern K. et al....
number of chromosomes per haploid genome Bread wheat Triticum aestivum 7 chromosomes 102757 Galili G. et al, PNAS...